Well it's been awhile. Were just going through the motions of a very busy December. On the 1st I went with my mom out to Wisconsin to visit my sister who had her first baby, baby boy, Talmage Grant! He is so dang cute. It was fun to go out and see where they live and just hang out with them. I came home on the 5th to sick kids and I've been dealing with that since, now it's my turn, I think I have strep of something, it sucks! On the bright side I've helped with some christmas shopping, and made ginger bread house at the kids party on billy's side of the family, exchanged presents and watched a christmas movie. I am atleast hoping we're all better by christmas
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Good Times
Gracie was a little nervous at first, but she loved this tracker ride.
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 1:04 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
It's Football Time!
game 1: Oklahoma vs BYU
13 to 14 BYU
HUGE WIN against 3rd in the nation. We're so excited but there's still a long season a head of us, but I think were off to a great start!
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 8:44 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The beginning of the long haul
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 8:25 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
What's new?
Let see it's been awhile since I've been on here. We've had a busy summer, We've been swimming a lot, We've been up to our favorite place in the world ( that we've been to) Couerd A' lene, were we went swimming, boating, and shopping and hanging out with family. We've been up to our friends cabin, getting ready for a wedding( billy sister), going to the wedding, getting Banxton ready for preschool. After going to his orientation he has been so excited and can't wait. Gracie has learned to walk and is into EVERYTHING! and she doesn't babble she SCREAMS! all the time. But it's fun to watch her grow up. Billy's been busy with his church calling between all his camping trips, stake conference and activity nights. He's also been hunting and working hard. I've been there through all of it being the most supportive mother and wife as I can be. We're looking forward to the fall and all the fun holiday's that come with it. Banxton's already talking about what he wants to be for halloween.
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 3:05 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Gracie!
We celebrated at my dad's pool, swam, had dinner, cake and ice cream, and opened presents.
It was a blast, thanks for those that helped celebrate, Gracie had a fun night. I know because she slept great!
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 3:50 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Our Trip to California
So I am really bad at updating my blog and I am well aware of it but it still doesn't get me to sit down and post about our life. I am not a good writer so I'd rather post pictures and then put descriptions below them but I don't have any picture of what we've done, sad to say the least.
On May 8th billy and I went with another couple to Anaheim California for a trip long over due. Really it was to celebrate our 5 year anniversary which was in November but Gracie was to little to leave so we pushed our celebration back a few months and it turned out to be the best trip ever. Here's just a quick review. First off there was no kids which was NICE!!
Day 1 woke up early and on the road on our way at 6:oo a.m. got in california around 5:00 p.m.
Day 2 Went to Balboa Island and rented some bikes, rode around the beach for an hour, very fun. Had a delicious corn dog for lunch then layed out on the beach for awhile. Headed back to the condo had dinner then went to an Angels Baseball, I thought I would be bored but I wasn't it was pretty fun.
Day 3 Sunday, we were good little boys and girls and found a church to go to. When we got there it was a Polynesian ward and they spoke whatever language it was. They were very sweet people. It being mothers day they even gave Jana and I some lei's. One of Jana's was made of chocolate balls and by the end of sacrament meeting Jana started to smell real good. We looked at her shirt and she had chocolate dripping off of her collar and her shirt. It was hilarious. We had a big lunch at Applebee's, then later that night the boys went and saw Star trek and me and jana went and say 17 again.
Day 4 today was the day I couldn't wait for, a few weeks ago I wrote into Jay Leno and requested some tickets to attend a show and about 3 weeks later I got the tickets for Monday May 11th. I was thrilled because billy and I watch him almost every night and so now we get to go see him in person before he leaves the tonight show. Monday we drove up to Burbank and Ike had gotten Jana and I a gift certificate through his work to Bliss spa. So Jana and I went and had a a pedicure and a wax done. It was fun. Then it was off to stand in line for the Tonight Show. It was really fun. After that we went and visited some of my old family friends, they had us over for a yummy dinner and then we visited for awhile. We decided to drive to the Hollywood blvd. because Jana had never seen the stars on the sidewalk. Did that for about 20 min. and when we get back to our car we had a parking ticket ridiculous. Whatever such is life.
Day 5 DISNEYLAND it was fun, but it was funny how all of us had to dope up on ibuprofen so we wouldn't get motion sickness.
Day 6 DISNEYLAND Again and California Adventure. Thanks Ike for the Tickets!
Day 7 We did a little shopping before we hit the road home. We left Anaheim around 12:30 p.m. and drove to St. George where we stayed with Jana's very nice Aunt and Uncle for the night.
Day 8 woke up early and hurried home to our lovely kids and families.
It was a very fun trip we did a lot of things had a lot of laughs and made a lot of memories.
Thanks Ike and Jana for a wonderful and very unforgettable trip!!
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 9:44 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Better Late Then Never

I think most of them had fun just going to a party.
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 1:07 PM 5 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sweet Spring!
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 2:29 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Oh Where Oh Where Have I Been?
This is me and Gracie in our hotel room!
Gracie was a trooper. We only had four stops all the way to San Diego. We left at 6:30 a.m. and got there around 8:30p.m. (remember we subtract an hour) This is our stop in Las Vegas at In-n-Out Burger. She was so happy every time she got out of her seat. I can't imagine why :)
Us at San Diego Zoo. Gracie slept through most of it, but she enjoyed the flamingo's.
After all is said and done I am glad we're all healthy again. We're ready to play and most definitely ready for the Summer!!
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 8:46 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Homemaker Wannabe
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 4:01 PM 10 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Posted by The DeWaal Family at 10:38 PM 5 comments