Happy 3rd Birthday Banxton!!!

On April 2nd Banxton turned 3. He has been asking to have a superman party for I don't know how long, so we decided to let him have a party. He invited a few neighborhood friends his age and a couple of his cousins. We played a few games, which most of them didn't get and they all had a go at a pinata, they all knew what to do for that. It was pretty crazy with ten kids between the ages of 2-4 years of age. Thanks for the help Mom, Angie and Ricki.
I think most of them had fun just going to a party.

The Gang!

enjoying cupcakes

Opening Presents

Trying to play a game. Cake Walk

Opening more presents
Thanks for inviting Luke to the fun party! He loves these pictures!
Happy B-day Banxton!
Carson had a blast! Thanks for being brave enough to host such a fun party with so many kids!
Ashley, I hope you don't mind, but I saw your blog on Ashlyn's and so I wanted to take a peek to see how you guys are doing. You have such a cute family, hope all is well. I am going to keep up to date with you guys, our blog is private, so if you would like me to send you an invite, email me at lizhymas@yahoo.com. Good to see you're doing well.
Liz Hymas
Sad I missed it. I love that little munchkin.
Ashley- I can't believe I found your blog. It's Courtney (Brog) Isom. You look exactly the same! Your family is so cute. We should get in touch some time and catch up.
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